Monday, April 30, 2007

busy month

A feeble excuse for not posting all month, but it has been busy!


Simon said...

Well done, Joanna! Congratulations.

As it happens, I recently nominated you for a much lesser honour ... the Thinking Blogger Award! Check out my blog for the details. You might have to sroll down a bit ... but it's there!

Meredith said...

Wow - is that piece of paper what i think it is?? Congrats on actually graduating with your PhD!

How did you celebrate? Are you going to change your blogger ID to 'drjobloggs'?? Not very elegant as a sign-in name, perhaps, but a great achievement :-)

My congrats again!

Glen O'Brien said...

Congratulations Jo. It's a particular joy to me knowing that your thesis was on religious history and Charles Wesley to boot! May your tribe increase!

Joanna said...

Thanks, all! It was a fun day - and I had a big party afterwards! It's an enormous relief to be finished with the whole thing - though now there's a book proposal to worry about!