Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I gave up on New Year's resolutions a few years ago. They were always exactly the same, and while that was good for my humility, it also suggested that resolutions weren't very effective in bringing about change! Yesterday, however, we returned from our Christmas break up in Brisbane, and (for once!) unpacked and put everything away neatly. Then I mixed up a beef, mustard and wine casserole, put Eva Cassidy in the CD player, sat down in the kitchen with a real coffee, opened my new journal and started writing. And as I sat there, I vowed to myself that this year I would not be too busy, anxious, materialistic or doubting to enjoy and be grateful for these simple delights. The sound of Eva grooving, the rich smell of casserole simmering, the enormous satisfaction of a tidy house and a new book in which to write... good gifts, given to be enjoyed!

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