Friday, October 14, 2005

listening, reading

Two exciting arrivals in yesterday's post.
Sufjan Steven's new album 'Come on and Feel the Illinoise' arrived from Asthmatic Kitty Records. It's been given rave reviews by the likes of Rolling Stone, and I'd say all the raving is justified. I've played it three times since it arrived, and it's exhilarating listening. And not just because of the prevalence of the banjo! It's about Illinois, which apparently is all about the spirit, death, serial killers, stepmothers, road trips and zombies. I can't possibly do it justice, but I look forward to telling the next generation that I listened to early Sufjan.
Another welcome arrival was the latest edition of Zadok. Having read a couple of similar publications from outside Australia, I'm convinced that Zadok publishes some of the more thoughtful and informed Christian writing around. This edition is on the environment, and also includes two views on the religious vilification laws and some interesting reviews. Though I have to disagree with the reviewer who thinks the latest Harry Potter is the best so far... surely not!

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